Skilled Communication Tower Inspectors in Michigan



Communication Tower Inspections


Supplying on-site inspections, modifications, design, and even NDT training programs are a few of the things Patriot Weld Inspections LLC can support with. Patriot Weld Inspections LLC is based out of Michigan and this organization’s workers have the years of experience needed to help with Michigan communication tower inspections.

Communication towers need to be inspected once every three months, according to the FCC Rules and Regulations, and a communication tower needs frequent maintenance and most likely a guyed tower will need maintenance every three years and every five years for a self-support tower. All inspections managed by Patriot Weld Inspections LLC will be conducted by professionals who are well qualified. Only employing welders who hold the AWS Certification and are ASNT qualified, Patriot Weld Inspections LLC is a reliable group for tower inspection needs and beyond. Patriot Weld Inspections LLC not only provides inspections but also offers an efficient line of shop and field operations, as well as tower modification inspections in Hersey MI.


Trusted Inspection and Welding Company


Bridges, Power Plants, Pipeline Construction, Refinery and Petrochemical operations facilities, Boiler Vessels, Pressure Vessels, Structural Steel modifications and inspections, and a lot of other thorough services are what Patriot Weld Inspections LLC can do to support you, along with your tower modification inspections in Hersey MI.


NDT In-House Training


Patriot Weld Inspections LLC can also come to you and assist in training your staff on all the proper ways to run an in-house inspection. There are pros to having someone in-house trained to handle these tasks and there are specific procedures that will need to be written and created for your staff to be trained with. Once the onsite employee has received all the requirements and specifications of an inspection, the employee can qualify to oversee the inspection without the guidance of the trainer, so in the matter of just a short period of time, an employee can finish the inspection to completion.


For extra information about Michigan communication tower inspections, please browse


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